Is Health Insurance on Your Back-to-School Checklist? An H1N1 swine flu resource for parents Beyond Burns: Lifetime Health Doctor Offers Sun and Heat Safety Advice Catching Zzzzz’s to Get A’s: Getting Your Kids on a Regular Back-to-School Sleep Schedule Dress Your First-Aid Kit for Summer! Finding Urgent Care for your Child in Western New York Gearing up for a healthy pregnancy Gearing up for a healthy pregnancy Half-Plate Healthy Health Checks for Your Child and Teen Help for Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Western New York Hydration Nation: There's plenty to drink, but what do children need? Is your child eating enough fruits and veggies? Probably not, study says. Save Money on Your Child’s Health Care: Ask About Generics Sexually Transmitted Diseases: The Silent Epidemic The Health Benefits of that Trip to the Apple Orchard The “dirty dozen” and “clean fifteen”: Excellus's guide to buying organic There's More Out There Than H1N1 Tips for Combating Indoor Allergies in the Winter Tips for Packing Healthful Lunch for Your Child Tips on Bringing an Allergen-Free Treat to the Next Kids Party Toss the Salt this Summer! When is the emergency room right for your family?